Gwasanaeth impeccable. Ni allaf ond cymeradwyo Dyfed Telecom ar eu gwasanaeth. O’r cychwyn cyntaf roeddent yn ddefnyddiol ac yn wybodus, roedd Beth yn y swyddfa yn rhagorol ac aeth y tu hwnt i hynny i’n helpu gyda’r ffurflenni grant drwodd i’r llanc a ddaeth i osod ein rhyngrwyd, gweithiodd yn daclus a gwnaeth waith gwych o leoli’r ddysgl a chael y cyflymderau gorau posibl i ni. Nid ydym wedi cael unrhyw broblemau ac rydym wedi argymell Dyfed Telecom i sawl un o’n cymdogion.
Dyfed Telecom was established with customer service at heart.
A personal service, transparency & aftercare are our core values.
Is Dyfed VoIP right for your business?
For growing businesses, the importance of reliable communications cannot be overstated. Cloud Voice enables constant connectivity across multiple devices, so team members can pick up landline calls from a desktop, laptop or smartphone.
Whether you’re in the office or at home, Dyfed’s feature-rich VoIP systems are designed to meet the demands of growing businesses. Automatic updates and wireless maintenance ensure you’re always up to speed, without the hassle of costly repairs or on-site upgrades.
We understand that your business needs are constantly evolving; Dyfed VoIP Cloud Voice offers the freedom to upgrade and expand features as and when required.
Choose the best Cloud VoIP system for your business
With a range of packages available, Dyfed VoIP Cloud Voice is a modernised, cost-effective alternative to traditional phone lines. No maintenance fees, flexible upgrades and effortless management mean that you can save money, without sacrificing quality.
Fibre broadband, cloud phones & business mobiles supplied to 3 different restaurants owned by Wales & Lions rugby star, Richard Hibbard!
What are the benefits of Dyfed VoIP?
As a hosted VoIP, Dyfed VoIP Cloud Voice provides businesses with all the advantages of an on-premises system, without the hassle.
Your business will be connected to the industry leading cloud-based phone system with access to 24/7 support and automatic upgrades. Whether your team members are at home, in the office, on their desktop, laptop or smartphone, they’ll have instant access to incoming calls, meetings and conferences.
In addition to quality and flexibility, Dyfed VoIP Cloud Voice systems boast world-leading security systems, with round-the-clock, expert protection.
Get in touch with our team to discuss Dyfed VoIP packages and contracts.
Our VoIP cloud voice office phone lines & handsets are available all across Wales & West England. We can install 100 office phone lines in Cardiff, or 20 VoIP lines to a factory in Swansea. Maybe your farm in Gower needs office phones & broadband? How about a decided fibre connection to your home office in rural Snowdonia? Maybe your hairdressers in Carmarthen needs just one VoIP phone line. Even if you’re a large corporate customer in Bristol, we have products tailored to businesses of any size. No matter how large or small, we will be happy to come chat with you and give you a free no obligation quote.
Utilising cutting edge hosted VoIP systems, Cloud Voice provides growing businesses with access to the features they need. From built in conferencing software to hunt groups, call transfers and automatic routing, our packages facilitate unmatched efficiency.
Whether you’re running an SME from rural Anglesey, or expanding your operations to the Pembrokeshire coast, Dyfed VoIP enables centralised communications, effortless team management and first-class connectivity.
Join the hundreds of small, medium & large businesses who use Dyfed Telecom for their cloud phones!
For a list of our VoIP products, call one of our representatives today on 01267 253134
Customer Reviews
Bu bron i ni gael ein Band Eang o Dyfed Telecom ers bron i 12 mis. Ar ôl cael problemau niferus gyda’n darparwyr eraill, roeddem yn mynd y tu hwnt i rwystredigaeth gyda’n band eang mor araf iawn. Roeddem ar ddiwrnod da yn cael rhwng 2Mbps a 3 Mbps a chyn gynted ag y daeth gyda’r nos roedd yn gollwng yn barhaus neu hyd yn oed yn diffodd. Roedd yn rhaid ei ddidoli a gweld fy mab ar FB cwmni a oedd yn brolio band eang cyflym. Roedd bod yn bwysig i ni gael Rhyngrwyd dibynadwy oherwydd gwaith ysgol, gyda fy merch ym mlwyddyn 11 yn gwneud ei gscs. Cysylltais a threfnu i rywun wneud prawf yma. Roedd hyd yn oed clywed y peiriannydd a ddaeth allan yn dweud, gyda’r offer yr oedd Dyfed Telecom wedi’i gael, ei fod yn codi cyflymderau uchel, yn ein gwneud ni’n hapus ac roedd plant yn hapus dros ben. Cawsom y ffigurau a’r gwaith papur wedi’u didoli. Yna roedd yn fater o gael y peirianwyr i ddod allan i ddatrys gosod eu hoffer ar ochr ein heiddo. Roeddent yn effeithlon ac yn lân ac yn daclus iawn. Ni chymerodd yr hogiau yn hir ac ar ôl sefydlu’r blwch a’r ceblau diwifr roeddem yn dda i fynd. Mae’r cyflymder yn wych. Anaml y byddwn yn mynd o dan lawrlwythiad 33Mbps gyda thua 15 Mbps yn uwchlwytho. Mor wych yw hynny. Dim mwy o ddadlau a dim mwy o ddiffodd eitemau i roi hwb i’r band eang. Eu hargymell yn fawr. Gwasanaeth cefnogol a chwrtais bob amser, p’un ai ei gyswllt ar-lein neu ffôn. Y peth gorau wnaethon ni erioed. Diolch Dyfed Telecom am ddod â’n cartref mor gyflym a rhoi gwen ar ein hwynebau.
Thanks to Dyfed Telecom – transformed our broadband. Owain’s son can do his college work no problem now with no disruption. Getting on the British Cattle Movement Society (BCMS) etc with the farm is a lot easier now. Thanks again.
Roeddem yn chwilio am gwmni band eang newydd gan fod ein cwmni blaenorol yn apelio. O fewn oriau i gysylltu â Dyfed Telecom roeddent wedi cynnal arolwg o’n heiddo i weld a allem gael gosodiad. Yna fe wnaethant ddatrys ein grant a’n gosodiad ac o fewn dyddiau cawsom gyflymder o hyd at 80mb, gyda gwasanaeth gwych i gwsmeriaid. Ni fyddai gennyf unrhyw oedi cyn eu hargymell ac rwyf wedi gwneud hynny ar sawl achlysur yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf.
Dyfed Telecom – Gwasanaeth dibynadwy gwych – Dim llanast dim ffwdan – argymhellir yn gryf – un teulu hapus.
They decided to move over to Dyfed Telecom on the advice of our friends. The speed of wifi was so slow that there was nothing for the children to attend online lessons or for me to work from home as well. Therefore; Dyfed Telecom came out to our rescue; running tests with a speed objective of 20-35mbs. They came out to install the equipment soon and the service we have received is excellent. The company provides an excellent customer service and responds promptly and very effectively. The inquiry process to install the equipment is easy and of a high standard by a professional company specializing in their field.
Dyfed VoIP FAQs
Unlike a regular wired telephone line, cloud VoIP technology allows businesses and individuals to make calls via a broadband internet connection. This erases the need for traditional copper line installations saving materials and money.
Installation and set up charges will vary depending on contract length and package. To discuss these in further detail, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our Dyfed VoIP representatives.
Whilst traditional phone lines utilise physical wiring and require regular maintenance, Dyfed VoIP Cloud Voice technology is connected via broadband. Not only is this cost effective and incredibly secure, but it is entirely scalable, providing businesses with ultimate flexibility.
Are you struggling with slow or unreliable broadband? Dyfed Telecom can help! No obligation, free of charge test at your home, farm or business.
No landline required. Very competitive prices to cover installation & equipment cost. Contact us today to arrange a free site survey and quote
Dyfed Telecom Ltd, Unit 3 Waungadog, Stockwell Lane, Kidwelly, SA17 4PP | Phone: 01267 253134
Dyfed Telecom Ltd is registered in England & Wales | Registered office address: Dyfed Telecom Ltd, Unit 3 Waungadog, Stockwell Lane, Kidwelly, SA17 4PP | Company No. 08010020 | VAT Reg No. GB 131 8832 19
© 2024 Dyfed Telecom Ltd