Thanks to Dyfed Telecom – transformed our broadband. Owain’s son can do his college work no problem now with no disruption. Getting on the British Cattle Movement Society (BCMS) etc with the farm is a lot easier now. Thanks again.
Dyfed Telecom was established with customer service at heart.
A personal service, transparency & aftercare are our core values.
As a BT authorised supplier, we’re proud to deliver unbeatable internet access to businesses across Wales. Whether you’re in a rural town or the heart of the valleys, a BTnet leased line offers exceptional speeds, ultra-low latency and uninterrupted connection.
Our BTnet leased lines guarantee a connection your team can truly rely on. No more patchy signals or competing for bandwidth, you’ll have your own dedicated internet line, providing unlimited connectivity for calls, meetings, conferences and operations.
BTnet Business Leased Lines Packages & Contracts
Is a BTnet Leased Line right for your business?
Saturated bandwidths are bad news for businesses. Sluggish uploads and laggy video calls not only appear unprofessional, but they seriously impinge productivity. Whether you’re a growing startup or established organisation, a BTnet leased line offers dedicated connectivity and unbeatable speeds.
What’s more, 4G Unbeatable SLA and symmetric connectivity guarantees fast upload/download speeds, even in peak times. No more waiting around for cloud documents to load; with a BTnet leased line, it’s all at your fingertips.
What speeds can you expect?
BTnet leased lines are available with speeds from 10Mbps up to 10Gbps. That’s enough to support your entire business as it grows!
Of course, reliability is essential for business; BT’s 100% target availability 4G SLA ensures you’re always connected.
Choose the best leased line plan for your business
When it comes to your business, flexibility is key. BTnet offers superfast solutions that can be adapted alongside your operations.
For smaller organisations, BTnet express is a solid choice, providing a dedicated line with guaranteed upload and download speeds of 50Mbps.
For larger businesses, however, our BTnet packages are perfect. Ranging from 200 Mbps all the way up to 10Gbps and boasting maximum upload and download speeds of 1Gbps, BTnet leased lines are an ideal choice for businesses that hope to scale their speeds in line with their business requirements.
What are some benefits of a BTnet private leased line?
A strong, reliable internet connection exists as the backbone of almost every modern enterprise. From universities and councils to businesses and community organisations, fast broadband facilitates productivity.
A BTnet leased line router will ensure that your entire team has access to uninterrupted internet connection at all times. Unlike a standard broadband connection, a leased line is private. This means that the connection runs from the exchange, directly into your business.
As well as super-fast upload and download times, a BTnet leased line ensures consistency throughout the day. Whereas other businesses may experience a significant reduction in productivity during peak usage times, yours will run as smoothly as ever.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out how a BTnet leased line would boost your business.
Business mobile phones supplied to Welsh rugby star, Lee Byrne!
Wales & Scarlets player Gareth Davies delivering one of our new vans!
How long is a BTnet leased line contract?
Our BTnet leased line contracts range from three to five years, depending on your business requirements. During this time, you’ll still have access to add-ons and upgrades, should your business needs change.
To find out which of our packages is best-suited to your business, simply request a callback with a member of our expert team.
For a list of our BT services call one of our representatives today on 01267 253134
What our customers think
Gwasanaeth impeccable. Ni allaf ond cymeradwyo Dyfed Telecom ar eu gwasanaeth. O’r cychwyn cyntaf roeddent yn ddefnyddiol ac yn wybodus, roedd Beth yn y swyddfa yn rhagorol ac aeth y tu hwnt i hynny i’n helpu gyda’r ffurflenni grant drwodd i’r llanc a ddaeth i osod ein rhyngrwyd, gweithiodd yn daclus a gwnaeth waith gwych o leoli’r ddysgl a chael y cyflymderau gorau posibl i ni. Nid ydym wedi cael unrhyw broblemau ac rydym wedi argymell Dyfed Telecom i sawl un o’n cymdogion.
Roeddem yn chwilio am gwmni band eang newydd gan fod ein cwmni blaenorol yn apelio. O fewn oriau i gysylltu â Dyfed Telecom roeddent wedi cynnal arolwg o’n heiddo i weld a allem gael gosodiad. Yna fe wnaethant ddatrys ein grant a’n gosodiad ac o fewn dyddiau cawsom gyflymder o hyd at 80mb, gyda gwasanaeth gwych i gwsmeriaid. Ni fyddai gennyf unrhyw oedi cyn eu hargymell ac rwyf wedi gwneud hynny ar sawl achlysur yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf.
They decided to move over to Dyfed Telecom on the advice of our friends. The speed of wifi was so slow that there was nothing for the children to attend online lessons or for me to work from home as well. Therefore; Dyfed Telecom came out to our rescue; running tests with a speed objective of 20-35mbs. They came out to install the equipment soon and the service we have received is excellent. The company provides an excellent customer service and responds promptly and very effectively. The inquiry process to install the equipment is easy and of a high standard by a professional company specializing in their field.
Dyfed Telecom – Gwasanaeth dibynadwy gwych – Dim llanast dim ffwdan – argymhellir yn gryf – un teulu hapus.
Bu bron i ni gael ein Band Eang o Dyfed Telecom ers bron i 12 mis. Ar ôl cael problemau niferus gyda’n darparwyr eraill, roeddem yn mynd y tu hwnt i rwystredigaeth gyda’n band eang mor araf iawn. Roeddem ar ddiwrnod da yn cael rhwng 2Mbps a 3 Mbps a chyn gynted ag y daeth gyda’r nos roedd yn gollwng yn barhaus neu hyd yn oed yn diffodd. Roedd yn rhaid ei ddidoli a gweld fy mab ar FB cwmni a oedd yn brolio band eang cyflym. Roedd bod yn bwysig i ni gael Rhyngrwyd dibynadwy oherwydd gwaith ysgol, gyda fy merch ym mlwyddyn 11 yn gwneud ei gscs. Cysylltais a threfnu i rywun wneud prawf yma. Roedd hyd yn oed clywed y peiriannydd a ddaeth allan yn dweud, gyda’r offer yr oedd Dyfed Telecom wedi’i gael, ei fod yn codi cyflymderau uchel, yn ein gwneud ni’n hapus ac roedd plant yn hapus dros ben. Cawsom y ffigurau a’r gwaith papur wedi’u didoli. Yna roedd yn fater o gael y peirianwyr i ddod allan i ddatrys gosod eu hoffer ar ochr ein heiddo. Roeddent yn effeithlon ac yn lân ac yn daclus iawn. Ni chymerodd yr hogiau yn hir ac ar ôl sefydlu’r blwch a’r ceblau diwifr roeddem yn dda i fynd. Mae’r cyflymder yn wych. Anaml y byddwn yn mynd o dan lawrlwythiad 33Mbps gyda thua 15 Mbps yn uwchlwytho. Mor wych yw hynny. Dim mwy o ddadlau a dim mwy o ddiffodd eitemau i roi hwb i’r band eang. Eu hargymell yn fawr. Gwasanaeth cefnogol a chwrtais bob amser, p’un ai ei gyswllt ar-lein neu ffôn. Y peth gorau wnaethon ni erioed. Diolch Dyfed Telecom am ddod â’n cartref mor gyflym a rhoi gwen ar ein hwynebau.
BTnet Leased Line FAQs
We’re pleased to supply a range of BTnet leased line packages, designed to suit a selection of businesses. Options span from 200Mbps all the way up to 10Gbps and can be upgraded flexibly. All BTnet leased lines run directly from the exchange to your premises.
BTnet leased lines are contracted through BT. However, as your dedicated service provider, Dyfed Telecom will arrange and assist with any issues you may have. Whether you’re looking for technical advice or upgrade assistance, we’re just a phone call away and always happy to help.
Cyber-security is a major concern for modern businesses. Thankfully, BTnet leased lines offer top-tier protection from a wide range of threats. Optional security add-ons include firewall technology, file back-up and storage and threat detection/prevention software. It’s no wonder businesses across Wales trust our BTnet leased lines.
Are you struggling with slow or unreliable broadband? Dyfed Telecom can help! No obligation, free of charge test at your home, farm or business.
No landline required. Very competitive prices to cover installation & equipment cost. Contact us today to arrange a free site survey and quote
Dyfed Telecom Ltd, Unit 3 Waungadog, Stockwell Lane, Kidwelly, SA17 4PP | Phone: 01267 253134
Dyfed Telecom Ltd is registered in England & Wales | Registered office address: Dyfed Telecom Ltd, Unit 3 Waungadog, Stockwell Lane, Kidwelly, SA17 4PP | Company No. 08010020 | VAT Reg No. GB 131 8832 19
© 2024 Dyfed Telecom Ltd